
Nuclear: Mase, Vas procedure underway on national repository location

Pichetto: "We guarantee environmental protection and participation of local administrations in the decision-making process".

Nuclear: Mase, Vas procedure underway on national repository location

The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security has scoping phase started provided for by Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure on the proposal National Map of Areas Suitable for Hosting the National Radioactive Waste Repository and the Technological Park.

The list of 51 suitable areas It was published on the Ministry's website on 13 December 2023.

“The carrying out of the SEA procedure on the process of locating the National Repository”, declared the Minister Pichetto, ” aims to ensure a high level of environmental protection by contributing to the integration of environmental considerations in the preparation, adoption and approval of the CNAI. In this way we offer local administrations the opportunity to participate again in the decision-making process before the approval of the Charter”.

More specifically, the National Repository is a surface environmental infrastructure that will allow permanently and safely dispose of low- and very low-level radioactive waste, today stored in dozens of temporary repositories across the country, produced by the operation and dismantling of nuclear plants and by the daily activities of nuclear medicine, industry and research.

Nucleare: Mase, al via procedura Vas su localizzazione deposito nazionale


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