New Prime Ministerial Decree for ISEE calculation approved: government bonds excluded from 2025
The new features of the 2025 Prime Ministerial Decree for the ISEE calculation: government bonds will be excluded from the calculation, making the indicator more advantageous for Italian families.
New Prime Ministerial Decree for ISEE calculation approved: government bonds excluded from 2025
From 2025, new measures to calculate the ISEE will come into force. In fact, the Prime Ministerial Decree, signed by President Giorgia Meloni, contains one of the main innovations introduced by the government, namely the exclusion from the calculation of the value of Government Bonds up to a value of 50.000 euros.
The possibility for Italian families to exclude government bonds from the ISEE calculation will become operational from 2025. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, signed the modification decree relating to to the 'Amendments to the Prime Ministerial Decree of 5 December 2013, no. 159, which establishes the rules for the revision of the methods of determination and the fields of application of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE).
The new decree, with a view to ensure greater legal certainty for taxpayers and institutions, incorporates a long series of innovations that have occurred over time and which have modified the text of the Regulation that governs the instrument used by Italian families to access social and assistance measures provided by the State and local authorities.
Among the main novelties, theexclusion from the determination of the ISEE, up to a maximum of 50.000 euros, of the value of government bonds and financial products for the collection of savings with a repayment obligation supported by a state guarantee, such as postal savings bonds and postal savings books.
Furthermore, for families with disabled or non-self-sufficient members, they are excluded from the income calculation of each member of the family unit welfare, social security and compensation treatments, including debit cards, received for any reason from public administrations due to the condition of disability. Furthermore, an increase of 0,5 is attributed to the equivalence scale parameter for each member (of the family unit) with medium, severe or non-self-sufficient disability.
The decree nevertheless provides for a Transitional provisions on the validity of ISEE certificates already issued and which will remain valid for the purposes of access to social benefits until their natural expiry. However, families still have the option to request a new ISEE certificate calculated according to the rules set by the new Prime Ministerial Decree which will now be sent to the Court of Auditors for registration and subsequent publication in the Official Journal.
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