Naples compared to Rome and Milano on the City of 15 minutes.

The Municipality of Naples, represented by Deputy Mayor Laura Lieto, took part in the round table on the "City of 15 minutes" organized by the Municipality of Rome with Carlos Moreno at the University Roma Tre.

Naples compared to Rome and Milano on the City of 15 minutes.

The Municipality of Naples, represented by Deputy Mayor Laura Lieto, took part in the round table on the “15-minute city” organized by the Municipality of Rome with Carlos Moreno at the Roma Tre University.

The premise is the consolidation of the alliance between the municipal administrations of the main Italian cities on the topic of transition and proximity. A concrete commitment towards the creation of new centralities to improve the quality of life of citizens with more quality services and public spaces. An opportunity also made possible by the investments of the PNRR and which directs the lines of urban development of cities towards greater uniformity of services, equipment and urban quality.

Lieto took stock by recalling how the Municipality of Naples is working in this direction with major redevelopment interventions of public residential settlements, the Integrated Urban Plans of Vele di Scampia and Taverna del Ferro in San Giovanni a Teduccio, the new eco-district of Ponticelli which will replace the post-earthquake two-storey plans, the PINQUA (National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living) of Marianella and Toscanella , the building replacement interventions in Chiaiano and Soccavo are just a few examples. In all these cases the building intervention is accompanied by the installation of new local services, spaces for leisure, sport, training and school. Green spaces and vegetable gardens directly managed by the settled communities, to realize a broader idea of ​​living that goes beyond the idea that it is enough to have a roof over your head. This is accompanied by the work of the Department of Sport and equal opportunities on sports equipment, 3 gyms and 4 swimming pools already recovered in recent years, while the recovery works on the Galante swimming pool in Scampia and the Prota-Giurleo swimming pool in Ponticelli will be completed within a year. In this direction, the offer of nursery schools is also increasing, 66 municipal ones of which 21 are indirectly managed. Thanks to the work of the offices and the Education Department, PNRR resources were intercepted which allowed the opening of 3 new nursery schools this year: one in the EX ECA in the Materdei district, one in an asset confiscated from organized crime in Municipality 4 in the San Carlo all'Arena district, one in the Social Services headquarters in Via Vincenzo Valente in the Miano district. A three-year planning project is also being finalized, which will allow for the expansion of existing positions and work on future openings.

Public services, such as nurseries and sports spaces (but not only) are the basis of the quality of life in the city's neighborhoods. These must be accompanied by an investment in connections, and therefore in public transport to ensure that proximity does not turn into ghettoisation. In this sense, the commitment of the transport department for the imminent opening of line 6, the Centro Direzionale and Court stations, the increase in new trains and the BRT light mobility system traces the path towards an increasingly inclusive and connected city.

Napoli a confronto con Roma e Milano sulla Città dei 15 minuti.

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