Milano. Welfare Councilor on mission to Argentina and Paraguay: over 500 doctors and 3.000 nurses involved, first arrivals by the end of 2024.

The regional councilor for Welfare illustrated the results of the mission to Argentina and Paraguay aimed at recruiting healthcare personnel.

Milano. Welfare Councilor on mission to Argentina and Paraguay: over 500 doctors and 3.000 nurses involved, first arrivals by the end of 2024.

The regional councilor for Welfare illustrated in a press conference the results of the mission to Argentina and Paraguay aimed at recruiting healthcare personnel. By local authorities the availability of over 3.000 interested nurses and more than 500 doctors was communicated, while 50 emails arrived directly in the Region from professionals who, on personal initiative, expressed interest in working in Lombardy.

"Mission concluded – It reaffirmed – which has the objective of bilateral cooperation, without creating any difficulties for local structures, indeed in full synergy with Argentine and Paraguayan institutions and local trade associations. The first nurses could be hired by December".

The announcement of a new call for doctors and nurses aimed at Italian staff is already in the planning phase. Subsequently, if all the available positions are not filled by Italian nurses, calls for tenders will be launched for staff coming from specific universities of the countries with which the collaboration is being started. These will be notices for a fixed period of time (the individual Ats and Asst will continue to ban those for an indefinite period).

Italian training courses and professional updates are currently being planned, with recognition of the title at regional level, for nurses who are interested in coming to Lombardy

"We know well that the salary level is low and not related to the cost of living – concluded the regional councilor for Welfare – particularly in large cities. But we are working on economic and other incentives. Concessions for transport and for the home are being studied, concessions aimed at all healthcare personnel, not only for new nurses to be recruited".

Milano. Assessore al Welfare su missione in Argentina e Paraguay: interessati oltre 500 medici e 3.000 infermieri, entro la fine del 2024 i primi arrivi.

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