Milano. The signing of the "Climate City Contract" was announced with 25 stakeholders on "Earth Day".

Objective: reducing emissions to zero by 2030.

Milano. The signing of the "Climate City Contract" was announced with 25 stakeholders on "Earth Day".

A common strategy that involves local authorities, the Government, the European Union, but also businesses, universities, utilities and stakeholders in various capacities, to accelerate the decarbonisation process. On the occasion of Earth Day, Milano officially announces the signing of the Climate City Contract with a group of 25 stakeholders. Objective: reducing emissions to zero by 2030.

The City of Milano has just delivered its action and investment plan connected to the Climate City Contract to the '100 cities' Mission of the European Union, as others have already done or are about to do eight Italian cities: Bologna, Bergamo, Florence, Padua, Parma, Prato, Rome and Turin.

The Climate City Contract is a commitment document to climate neutrality by 2030. This pact signed by the Municipality with 25 stakeholders including investee companies, universities, businesses and developers, building cooperatives and other enabling entities, provides for a portfolio of 157 actions, of which 51 paid by the Municipality and 106 paid by the stakeholders. The actions and initiatives that will lead to the climate transition are the result of an alliance between the public administration and various actors in the city ecosystem and must be, in addition to being measurable at every stage of the process, completed within six years.
Many of these actions are system actions that will accelerate the reduction of emissions: innovative energy networks, infrastructure for sustainable mobility, greenery and forestation.
Some projects will instead be more focused, a sort of 'molecular actions' of urban regeneration through the development of 'low impact neighbourhoods', i.e. portions of the city affected by exemplary but also innovative interventions. These 'molecules' are also replicable on a larger scale or scalable in other contexts of the city, as catalysts for other transformations.

The cost of the envisaged interventions amounts to approximately 6 billion euros in investments, of which 2,6 billion by the Municipality of Milano (financed by a mix of investments from the municipal budget and contributions from national and European sources such as PNRR; PON, React EU, Aid Decree) between energy requalification of buildings, new infrastructures, tools aimed at promoting soft mobility, depaving, new plantings, reclamation and innovative projects for citizen involvement; 3,3 billion to be paid by the signatory stakeholders.

To date, 25 signatories have responded to the Municipality's call, but, during the process, other subjects may decide to get on board and participate in the challenge it involves Milano and 112 other European cities towards zero emissions, since the pact is an updatable and continually evolving document which can gradually be enriched with new proposals and new resources.

Ample space will also be dedicated to the theme and the proposals of the signatories of the pact, in addition to the possibility of a direct discussion with the citizens on the main topics contained therein, within the programme schedule of the Milano Green Week 2024, which will be presented this afternoon at the civic aquarium and will take place between 26 and 29 September.

Milano. Annunciata la sottoscrizione del "Climate City Contract" con 25 Stakeholder nella "Giornata della Terra".

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