Milano-Cortina, the Council of Ministers gives the green light to the Olympics decree

To speed up the works and carry them out within the established times

Milano-Cortina, the Council of Ministers gives the green light to the Olympics decree.

Il cabinet, upon proposal of the President Giorgia Meloni and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, approved a legislative decree introducing urgent provisions on governance and on the interventions within the company's competence Infrastructure Milano Cortina 2020-2026 Spa.

The rules introduced have the aim of allowing the completion within certain times of the works necessary for the holding of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano-Cortina 2026, through the overall review of the commissioner's powers.

“From the date of entry into force of the decree, ANAS Spa is identified as the implementing body and takes over active and passive legal relationships, as well as pending administrative proceedings, for the following interventions:

  •  SS 38 – widening of occasional sections from km 18+200 to km 68+300;
  • SS 36 – three-lane adaptation of the Manzoni Bridge in Lecco;
  • SS 36 – “Monte Piazzo” tunnel consolidation;
  • SS 36 – strengthening of the junction in Piona;
  • SS 36 – securing the Giussano-Civate section”.

So says a note from Palazzo Chigi.

Provision is also made for revision of the governance of the Infrastructure company Milano Cortina 2020-2026 Spa, in order to ensure efficient and effective management, through a better distinction of tasks and responsibilities between the different members of the administrative body, also in consideration of the commissioner's powers on related works not entrusted to ANAS.

In particular, it is expected that the administrative body of the Company will be composed of five members, of which three: (the president, the managing director and a councilor with responsibilities regarding the monitoring and coordination of the activities of internal auditing and reporting) designated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance and with the Government Authority responsible for sports, one designated by the Lombardy Region e one designated jointly by the Veneto Region and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano. The CEO of the Foundation remains entitled to participate, without the right to vote, in the meetings of the administrative body."Milano-Cortina 2026”.


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