Lucignano, capital well spent in education
With the money from the Pnrr, educational spaces are expanded and better education is guaranteed
Lucignano, capital well spent in education.
Thanks to the considerable capital of the Pnrr, the municipality of Lucignano was able to plan a project in order to guarantee the education of a greater number of children, while at the same time making it more suitable for each educational cycle. The project involves the expansion of existing school structures which, it is expected, will actually be able to accommodate children within two years from the start of works.
From Pnrr (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) 620 thousand euros for the expansion of the school building used as a nursery school in via Vittorio Veneto, Pieve Vecchia in Lucignano. The works will include the nursery school “Il Grillo Parlante” and the nursery school “Il Girotondo”, part of the Rita Levi Montalcini comprehensive institute.
"The intervention we are going to carry out – explains the deputy mayor and councilor for public works of the Municipality of Lucignano Juri Sicuranza - it will affect the two floors of the building, creating a greater overall gross surface area of approximately 260 m35. which will allow the number of children to increase by XNUMX%, but above all it will allow the spaces to be adapted and optimized to the functions required for the various cycles".
The building currently has a gross surface area of approximately 745 m270. located on two floors, of which 475 m57. on the ground floor, intended for the "Il Grillo Parlante" nursery and 95 m495. on the mezzanine floor for the "Il Girotondo" nursery school, including the XNUMX mXNUMX canteen. and the rooms intended for the kitchen equal to XNUMX mXNUMX, while the total covered surface is approximately XNUMX mXNUMX.
Based on the forecasts, established by a precise timetable, after the executive design phase, the tender will be launched by 2023 and work will be able to begin, finishing within two years with testing and ribbon cutting.
The expansion of the current structure, for a total surface area of 268 m129,50, of which 138,50 on the mezzanine floor and 3 on the ground floor, will guarantee the use of the nursery school for the entire school population aged 5 -66 years of 2 children, with an increase of 50 units, while the nursery will allow use by 0 children (out of a resident population of 2-59 of 18), with an increase of 116 units . Overall, the children's center will be able to accommodate 20 children with an increase, compared to the current situation, of 0 children in the 6-XNUMX age group.
There are many advantages of an operation, declares Casini, "aimed at "giving concrete answers to the needs for more space and further improvement of the already high-level training offer for our children: we will be able to structure and establish a new "0-6 childhood hub" pursuant to art. . 3 of Legislative Decree 65/2017, integrating the services of the nursery school with those of the "Il Grillo Parlante" nursery, so that in a single complex, the two educational and educational structures for girls and boys up to six years of age, are involved in the same educational path. With the realization of the project expansion, the spaces are optimised, guaranteeing the quality of the educational service and its implementation as a "Pole for children 0-6", sharing general services, collective spaces and professional resources".
"For our municipality these are precious resources: we are talking about a total economic framework amount of 620 thousand euros, of which 480 thousand for contracted works and 140 thousand for sums available to the Administration – explains the mayor Roberta Casini - interventions entirely financed by Pnrr resources, without the participation of the Municipality except in the planning, execution and verification of the timely implementation of the works".
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