Lombardy, electronic prescriptions by email or text message even after May 1, 2024
«Lombardy citizens – explains the regional councilor for Welfare – still have a large period of time to make the choice on how to receive electronic prescriptions»
Lombardy, electronic prescriptions by email or text message even after May 1, 2024.
From May 1 2024 There will not be no interruption of the service for sending dematerialized medical prescriptions for those who have not yet confirmed this choice through the channels made available by Lombardy region.
Today, in fact, 50% of citizens who have the active profile confirmed the post-sales service. It is therefore important to continue this "awareness" process to allow more and more people in Lombardy to continue to benefit from a service that is always highly appreciated.
«The citizens of Lombardy – explains theRegional Councilor for Welfare - they still have ample time to make the choice on how to receive electronic prescriptions. The information campaign on this topic, which began two months ago and which sees the involvement of ATS, General Practitioners and pharmacies, will continue until participation is maximum".
To confirm their interest in keeping the service active, citizens can use one of the channels made available:
- online, by accessing the “Profile and Settings” section of the Health Record (top right), selecting 'Notifications' and then the 'Recipes' item, choosing to send an SMS or e-mail;
- at the choice and revocation offices of the relevant ASST;
- by the General Practitioner/Pediatrician of free choice;
- in the pharmacy;
- health record app.
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