Informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers, Piantedosi: «The fight against human trafficking must remain a priority».
Yesterday the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi spoke at the informal meeting of European Union Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Budapest.
«In this phase in which we are awaiting the establishment of the new European Commission - he has declared Crying himself - it is more important than ever to take stock of the results achieved in recent years, but also and above all to start a reflection on the next objectives".
«It also remains crucial – continues the Minister of the Interior – maintain high attention on the migration phenomenon, and the approval of the European Pact is only one piece that must be accompanied by a structured external dimension action. From this perspective it becomes It is crucial to strengthen Europe's strategy on assisted voluntary repatriations from transit countries such as Tunisia and Libya to the countries of origin".
«As regards organized crime - he stressed Crying himself in his speech – I hope that the new legislature will focus on the topic of financial investigations to combat the criminal organizations that manage migrant trafficking, an issue that will be at the center of the G7 of Interior Ministers, which will be held in Mirabella Eclano, on the occasion of which we will launch a specific action plan in line with initiatives launched at European level, such as the Global Alliance".
«The fight against human trafficking – concluded the owner of the Interior Ministry – must remain a priority for Italy and the Union, and in this area our country will be at the forefront, both by encouraging the adoption of updated legal instruments and in the operational field of law enforcement activities".
Alongside the meeting, Minister Piantedosi met bilaterally with the Minister for Security and Justice of the Kingdom of the Netherlands David Martijn van Weel. At the center of the meeting was the fight against transnational organized crime, the topic of financial investigations to combat traffickers who attempt to penetrate the fabric of the legal economy, operational collaboration in light of the threat posed by new synthetic drugs, international terrorism and the risk of radicalization.
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