Government: new National Committee for biosafety, biotechnology and life sciences established

Made up of 20 scientists and divided into eight working groups based on scientific expertise

Government: new National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences established.

It was held yesterday at Palazzo Chigi - chaired by the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council, Alfredo Mantovano – the installation meeting of the new one National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences (CNBBSV).

The Committee is a body of the Presidency of the Council, established in 1992 with functions of support for the Government for the processing of scientific, productive and social security guidelines, with expertise that among many other topics includes nanotechnologies, pharmaceutical patents and, as a guarantee body, the DNA database.

The Cnbbsv is chaired by prof. Andrea Lenzi, made up of 19 other scientists, divided into eight working groups based on scientific expertise and works in synergy with various public bodies and numerous Ministries.

In addition to wishing the president and the other members well in their work, Undersecretary Mantovano highlighted «the importance of the support that the National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences can offer in a complex contingency like the current one, given the commitment that the Government implements on innovative themes such as the fight against new synthetic drugs or the development of agriculture within the Mattei Plan".

The Cnbbsv includes: president Andrea Lenzi, professor of Endocrinology, University of Rome La Sapienza; members: Paolo Visca, professor of General Microbiology, University Roma3; Mauro Magnani, professor of Biochemistry, University of Urbino; ​​Luigi Naldini, professor of Histology and Gene Therapy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Milano; Riccarda Antiochia, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Rome La Sapienza; Piero Angelo Morandini, Professor of Plant Physiology, University of Milano; Ferdinando Nicoletti, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Rome La Sapienza; Roberta Siliquini, Professor of General and Applied Hygiene, University of Turin; Carlo Caltagirone, Scientific Director, Irccs Fondazione Santa Lucia; Angela Di Baldassarre, Professor of Human Anatomy, University of Chieti-Pescara G. D'Annunzio; Lorenzo Maria Donini, Professor of Food Science, University of Rome La Sapienza; Fabio Fava, Professor of Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology, University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum; Marco Gobbetti, Professor of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Bolzano; Giulio Maira, Professor of Neurosurgery, Humanitas Clinical Institute Milano; Cinzia Papadia, Consultant in Gastroenterology, Barts Health Trust London UK, Queen Mary University of London; Chiara Spinato, Staff Leader, Unesco Chair Urban Health; Paolo Gasparini, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Trieste; Maurizio Genuardi, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of the Sacred Heart, Rome; Paola Grammatico, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Rome La Sapienza; Giuseppe Novelli, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Governo insediato il nuovo Comitato nazionale per la biosicurezza, le biotecnologie e le scienze della vita

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