Coronavirus, Rolfi: in phase 2 catering is the protagonist and strategic
Councilor: “Let's start again with a few clear rules. I ask operators to reaffirm the sector's identity value"
Milano, 14 May 2020 – “Catering confirms itself as a strategic sector and, in phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency, it will have to be involved and protagonist, also starting from the rediscovery of its identity capacity. To tell the story of a territory through its dishes and wines. Maybe with clearer guidelines. Because it is better to have few, but clear, rules and a little trust in the sector's operators." Thus the councilor for Agriculture, Food and Green Systems of the Lombardy Region, Fabio Rolfi, during the video live broadcast, on his Facebook page, with actors from the world of catering.
Paolo Massobrio, food and wine journalist, took part in the discussion on the topic 'Lombardy starts again: restaurants are ready', which addressed the issues of phase 2 of the coronavirus for the sector; Alberto Somaschini, president of the Lombardy Chefs Union; Stefano Cerveni, president of the food and wine promotion project in the Brescia area 'Cibo di Mezzo' and chef of the 'Due Colombe' restaurant and Lino Stoppani, president of the Italian Federation of Public Businesses (Fipe) Lombardy.
Strategic sector
“The catering sector – underlined the councilor – in Italy, and also in Lombardy, is not only strategic for numbers. It is also the case for the specific weight in Lombardy and in the north of the country where it represents 45%". “Therefore – he added – with an economic contribution comparable to that of manufacturing. And it has enormous value in terms of related activities."
Inail guidelines
“The INAIL guidelines – he said – as written, are not good. An approach that doesn't seem like common sense to me. I think there is still time to make other reflections." “The actors of the Lombardy Development Pact also think so – he added – who have conveyed to us the need to have other measures from the Government. And we will make it known."
Delivery, takeaway and agritourisms
“Delivery and takeaway – argued the Lombard councilor – can be temporary measures. I am convinced – he added – that Covid will leave us with changes”. “As a Region – he recalled – we have chosen to allow delivery and takeaway for farmhouses even outside the emergency period”.
Element of territorial attractiveness
“There will also be other changes – he said – and I am thinking of booking or digital menus and also other measures that can be introduced. But all without distorting an element of territorial attractiveness such as our catering. Which, for the Lombardy Region – she remarked – has always had, has and will have a crucial role in the economic fabric”.
Few, clear rules to start again
“We must also trust the operators – concluded Councilor Rolfi – and this also applies to bartenders, hairdressers and beauticians. We need a few clear rules to start again. Or we risk never leaving again"
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