Fighting violence against women, 14 million distributed. The first register of anti-violence centers and shelters is born

The councilor: resources to grow services and reception of our 27 territorial networks.

Fighting violence against women, 14 million distributed. The first register of anti-violence centers and shelters is born

The Lombardy Regional Council, on the proposal of the Councillor for Family, Social Solidarity, Disability and Equal Opportunities, has approved the methods of use and distribution criteria for combating gender violence. These are national resources equal to 10.741.887 euros to which are added 3.300.000 euros of regional co-financing.

“Our Region's commitment to the prevention and care of women victims of violence is renewed today with the distribution of resources to our 27 territorial networks. Countering gender violence – the councilor declared – it is a priority of civilization, as well as a priority of the mandate enshrined in the regional Sustainable Development Program (PRSS) of this legislature".

The resources distributed today are to be allocated to the integration of the programming for the two-year period 2024/2025 aimed at supporting anti-violence centers and shelters and implementing interventions to prevent and combat violence against women.

"Today - the person in charge clarifies to the Family – we have also approved the first list of those registered in the register of Anti-Violence Centers and Shelters. Thanks to this, we have defined the requirements and registration procedures, as well as the methods of managing the register itself. The introduction of a specific register is part of the aim of strengthening equality networks and bodies that operate at a territorial level". A choice that will allow a improvement of the quality of interventions to better calibrate the training of operators and to put women and minors at the center of every action.

Contrasto violenza sulle donne, ripartiti 14 milioni. Nasce il primo albo dei centri antiviolenza e case rifugio

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