Bologna: 75 projects funded by the Region for well-being, reducing inequalities and inclusion systems
Seventy-five proposals eligible for financing, for a total investment of almost 11 million euros and a contribution of more than 5,1 million.
Bologna. Social Innovation: 75 projects funded by the Region to improve well-being, reduce inequalities and generate inclusion systems. First regional call for proposals of 5,1 million euros and a total investment of almost 11 million euros.
From the reuse hub to the platform for creating connections between citizens, companies and third sector bodies. The package of resources initially envisaged by Viale Aldo Moro has increased by over 2 million euros to broaden the number of beneficiaries. Specific rewards also for the projects of companies located in the areas affected by the flood.
Seventy-five proposals eligible for financing, for a total investment of almost 11 million euros and a contribution of more than 5,1 million. Objective, to improve well-being and reduce inequalities, generate inclusion systems that are increasingly effective in responding to citizens' needs and efficient in the use of resources.
The evaluation activities of the proposals presented to the have been concluded first regional call for support for social innovation projects, a step towards an idea of economy for mending society. With this tool, in fact, the Region intends to help - by implementing action 1.3.5. of the Pr Fesr 2021/2027 - companies and organizations that carry out economic activities with a social impact for the territories, with a view to sustainable transition.
Compared to the resources put up for tender, there were more projects judged eligible and, above all, qualitatively worthy proposals for the commitment to achieving the objectives of the tender. The Emilia-Romagna Region has therefore decided to increase the contributions (originally, 3 million euros), to allow the financing of all projects deemed eligible.
From a territorial point of view, the provinces that have seen the greatest number of proposals are Bologna (40), Modena (19), Forlì-Cesena (15), Ravenna (14) and Reggio Emilia (12); 33 are located in areas affected by the 2023 flood.
At the deadline they arrived 118 project proposals, for a total investment of more than 16 million euro. Of these, as many as 80% are micro or small businesses; 29 from subjects registered with the Rea (Economic-administrative repertoire, including social promotion associations, foundations, cooperative societies, amateur sports associations) and 89 from businesses, with 60% of representatives distributed equally between ICC (cultural and creative industries), healthcare/social supply chain and tertiary sector.
The projects presented fall into multiple areas of the Strategy smart specialization (S3); the sectors of inclusion and social cohesion prevail: education, work, territories (73) and social innovation and participation (65), followed by those of personal well-being, nutrition and lifestyles (29), territorial heritage and regional identity: cultural goods and contents, creative activities, tourism and Made in ER products (17) and digitalisation, artificial intelligence, Big data (businesses and PAs) (13).
Seventy-five projects were therefore deemed eligible for financing. Particular attention was paid to proposals aimed at developing innovative solutions capable of contributing to the achievement of goals of the 2030 Agenda, with reference to objectives 8 (“Decent work and economic growth”), 9 (“Business, innovation and infrastructure”) e 10 (“Reducing inequalities”), as well as the lines traced by the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) 2021-2027, with reference to the transversal thematic areas 14 (“Social innovation and participation”) e 15 (“Inclusion and social cohesion: education, work, territories”).
Specific rewards
For the financeable projects, the tender awarded specific awards (also cumulative) to 36 proposals which envisage an increase in employment, 18 which contemplate the involvement of one of the actors of the regional ecosystem (including clusters, Digital innovation hubs, laboratories, universities, Local health authorities, research centres), 12 which provide the ability to operate in synergy with other funds. Specific awards also for 20 projects that contribute to the development of local development strategies in the territorial areas belonging to the Atuss (Urban Transformative Agendas for Sustainable Development) and in the internal or peripheral areas identified in the Stami (Integrated Territorial Strategies for Mountain and Internal Areas) , and for another 20 concerning companies located in flooded areas.
From the reuse hub to the platform for creating connections between citizens, companies and third sector bodies: some of the projects that obtained the highest scores
People, work, inclusion, sustainability. Among the projects presented by social cooperatives, we highlight those for the improvement and expansion of services for disabled adults, for the support of family members and carers and the strengthening of services also for people with autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, the creation of a reuse hub to place regenerated products on the market, simultaneously giving stable employment to 25 disabled people. Among the projects presented by the companies, the development of a platform capable of supporting and creating connections between citizens, companies and third sector bodies in carrying out sustainable development actions, corporate social responsibility, environmental impact, and specific apps to bring together supply and demand for volunteering. The list also includes the creation of a "creative district" dedicated to digital experimentation for children up to 10 years old, and the development of an app capable of providing guidance and support in combating childhood obesity and disorders food.
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