Benevento, recovery of bike sharing stations: Municipality-ITI Lucarelli agreement after the technical table
«Joint initiatives on the topic of sustainability and green mobility»
Benevento, recovery of bike sharing stations: Municipality-ITI Lucarelli agreement after the technical table.
The Municipal Administration of Benevento offered maximum availability and collaboration to the Bosco Lucarelli Industrial Technical Institute for the implementation of the project “Re-Move”, which aims to recover bike sharing stations and strengthen forms of sustainable mobility.
This form of collaboration was the subject of a technical table in which the councilor Attilio Cappa, the councilor Alboino Greco and the director Maurizio Perlingieri for the Administration of Benevento, the director of the Iti Maria Gabriella Fedele, the school teachers Antonio Inglese, Armando Calabrese and Antonio Pepe, Pierluigi Mauta (president of the San Giorgio del Sannio energy community), Salvatore Minicozzi for the Province of Benevento, Luigi Travaglione for the Asi Consortium and Domenico Ialeggio for Geolumer srl.
«We guaranteed – the councilor explains in a joint note Cooker hood and the counselor Greco - that the Municipality will ensure maximum support for this form of partnership and that it shares the need to strengthen alternative forms of mobility to the car which can certainly be favored by an offer such as bike sharing. In general, we also shared the need for joint initiatives on the topic of sustainability and green mobility, also with the involvement of local universities in the common aim of making the most of the intelligence of the local school and academic system which is the cornerstone of action of the administration of Clemente Mastella».
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