Benevento, the #iostudioRegioneCampania call for the award of 30.242 scholarships has been published

This was announced by the Education Councilor, Rossella Del Prete

Benevento, lThe Councilor for Education, Rossella Del Prete, announces that the Campania Region has published the announcement called #iostudioRegioneCampania and aimed at students who attend secondary schools of the national education system (public and private "equal" schools ”) present in the territory of the Campania Region.

The announcement provides for the assignment of 30.242 scholarships, each worth 250 euros, with which to purchase textbooks, products, goods and services aimed at granting greater opportunities for cultural and educational growth.
To participate in the call you must have the ISEE 2021 certificate (the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) not exceeding €15.748,48 and register, starting today, through the platform at the following Internet address: iostudio.regione.campania. it.
The platform will be accessible until April 23, 2021 from 9:00 to 22:00.


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