Agrigento, a project to save the Municipality of Racalmuto from hydrogeological instability.
The tender for the executive planning useful for the consolidation of the slope of via Generale Macaluso in Racalmuto, in theAgrigento. Geological investigations and a series of studies and activities that will lead to the drafting of the project document have been financed. In fact, it is necessary to identify the most suitable technical solutions to secure, after twenty years of waiting, the rocky ridge that overlooks the town centre.
The last extremely urgent interventions prepared by the Civil Engineers of Agrigento and aimed at restoring vehicular traffic and pedestrian transit on Via Generale Macaluso, to safeguard users, date back to 2016. Now the procedures for an organic and definitive solution to the problem begin.
An 80 thousand euro tender
The deadline for submitting applications to participate has been set for October 19th. The overall amount based on the tender is just over eighty thousand euros. The planned intervention, for which the foundations are being laid, has as its objective the protection of the highly urbanized area which falls within the historic centre, a few meters from the 'Leonardo Sciascia Foundation', affected by the highest level of risk, R4 , and by various phenomena of instability, as revealed by the lesions present in numerous buildings and infrastructures.
Risk of collapse
The instability phenomena of the site in question are attributable to the potential detachment and collapse of individual stone elements, as well as to the conditions of substantial deterioration of the existing containment works. The cleaning of the walls and the scaling of unstable boulders, the installation of metal nets and nailing systems through horizontal micropiles, as well as panels of steel rope nets and under-masonry works to guarantee the stability of the slope are foreseen.
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