Agreement reached on layoffs at the former Ilva.
“After more than 14 hours of negotiations at the Ministry of Labor, an agreement was reached during the night on the redundancy fund for former Ilva workers. In the agreement we foresee that, with the restart path, they will be guaranteed all employment and salary continuity with dignified integration for people who have to work to live". She declares this in a note Loris Scarpa, national steelworks coordinator for Fiom-Cgil.
Safety shoes also ha underlined that «in the agreement there is a restart plan that the extraordinary commissioners will have to put into practice, there is employment protection because no redundancies are foreseen and above all at the end of this process there will be the possibility for everyone to return to work".
The request for extraordinary redundancy payments for the former Ilva will concern a maximum of 4.050 workers, of which 3.500 in Taranto: reduced numbers compared to the initial request for 5.200 employees, of which 4.400 in Taranto. This is what the agreement reached with the unions provides.
The effective date will be retroactive, starting from March 2024, and employees on the fund will be paid 70% of their gross annual salary. The redundancy fund plan will end in June 2026.
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