Local elections: Florence, Bergamo and Cagliari towards the centre-left
Undressing from 14pm
Local elections: Florence, Bergamo and Cagliari towards the centre-left.
The game is open for the 3700 mayors, with various challenges in eight capitals such as Florence, Bari, Perugia, Pescara, Campobasso, Bergamo, Potenza and Cagliari. The counting for the local elections will begin at 14 pm.
The focus is particularly on Tuscan capital and on that pugliese where, according to the first instant polls, the ballot.
A Florence, for after Nardella, Sara Funaro, candidate of the centre-left would obtain between 42-46% of the votes, while her rival Eike Schimt, from the centre-right, between 30-34%.
A Bari, would be ahead at the moment Vito Leccese (Pd) with 42-46%. Continued Romito with 31-35%. Stay behind Michele Laforgia (M5s and SI) between 20 and 24%, followed by Nicola Sciacovelli. However, we will have to wait for the start of the counting to get a definitive idea of the outcome of the Bari vote.
A Pescara instead the outgoing mayor of Forza Italia is aiming for an encore Carlo Masci between 47,5% and 51%, while the challenger, Charles Costantini, centre-left candidate, 34%-38%.
A Perugia it is essentially a confrontation between two women, Margherita Scoccia of Fdi between 44-48%, supported by the center-right and civic lists, e Vittoria Ferdinandi, supported by a very broad camp that goes from the Democratic Party to Action, between 49-53%.
A Campobasso, Aldo De Benedittis of the center-right is in the lead with a range that varies between 49-53%, while Marialuisa Forte of the center-left between 31-35%.
A Caltanissetta, Walter Tesauro, candidate of the centre-right, is ahead with a range between 37-41%, followed Annalisa Petitto, from the centre-left, with 30-34%. Roberto Gambino (M5S) with 21-25% is third.
Finally, a Bergamo we are moving towards victory for the Democratic Party Elena Carnevali for the centre-left 53-57%. Andrea Pezzotta, candidate of the centre-right, would be between 39 and 43%.
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