The Hague Court: «Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal».
«Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal». The UN International Court of Justice.
«The State of Israel has the obligation to end its illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territories as quickly as possible, to immediately cease all new settlement activities, to evacuate all settlers and to compensate for the damage caused», claims the Cutting in its «advisory opinion» to the requests of theUnited Nations General Assembly regarding the Israeli presence in the Palestinian Territories.
«The Jewish people are not conquerors in their own land, nor in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in the land of our ancestors in Judea and Samaria», was the response of the Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
«No false decision from The Hague - he added - will distort this historical truth, just as the legality of the Israeli settlement in all territories of our homeland cannot be contested".
Meanwhile i negotiations on ceasefire in Gaza are close to the "finish line". The US Secretary of State said so Antony blinken speaking at the Aspen Security Forum. «We are inside the last 10 yard line but they are often the most difficult», has explained.
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