State Archives, Sangiuliano: «Working on the Matera headquarters»
«We are already proceeding with the State Property Agency to verify an adequate state property for the State Archives of Matera»
State Archives, Sangiuliano: «Working on the Matera headquarters».
«We are dealing with the State Archives with determination: just in recent weeks we have defined two fundamental operations a Rieti, with the transfer of the former branch of the Bank of Italy to the headquarters of the local State Archives, and others Forlì, where the convent of Santa Maria della Ripa will be redeveloped for this purpose. Matera, as a southerner, is particularly close to my heart. To the Mayor Dominic Bennardi I remind you that the interministerial decree 198/2022 of the previous government does not include Matera in the financial planning of 100 million euros for the purchase of premises to be allocated to the State Archives in the three-year period 2023-2025, since at the time a interlocution for the granting of free loan for use of a civic office. That provision will be appropriately modified by this government to allow the Ministry of Culture to fill this gap. At the same time, we are already proceeding with the State Property Agency to verify an adequate state property for theState Archives of Matera and, in the event of a negative outcome, the adequacy of the sale offer proposed by the private owners of the building in which it is currently housed".
The Minister of Culture declares it, Gennaro Sangiuliano, intervening on the State Archives of Matera currently located in the building of the former Quinto cinema, the location identified in the aftermath of the 1980 earthquake.
On September 16, 2022 the General Directorate of Archives, faced with the willingness of the owners to sell the property to the Ministry for consideration, expressed interest in the purchase, asking to quantify the sale price, represented at 4,8 million euros, and inviting the management of the State Archives to simultaneously prepare a market survey for the identification of a new property.
Following the negative outcome of this investigation, the Directorate General of Archives is sending theDemanio Agency the expression of interest and the offer for the evaluation of the adequacy of the price, also in light of the fruitless discussions that have taken place in the last five years with the Municipality of Matera for the granting of free loan for use before the former national boarding school "Emanuele Duni ” and later the former Faculty of Architecture of the University of Basilicata, the latter building being unsuitable due to its technical and dimensional characteristics.
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