Piantedosi hears from his Egyptian counterpart: «Constant collaboration, in particular on the migration issue».
Yesterday the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi had a telephone conversation with the Egyptian Interior Minister General Mahmoud Tawfiq.
The Head of the Interior Ministry congratulated his counterpart on his confirmation in the role also in second government of Prime Minister Madbouly, and underlined «the desire to intensify the dialogue started in Cairo in March 2023, and relaunched thanks to constant collaboration, in particular on the topic of migration».
«The strategic depth of Italian-Egyptian relations - he has declared Crying himself - is destined to be enriched with new opportunities, of which the Mattei Plan represents one of the most important declinations. Furthermore, the open crisis scenarios require our utmost attention to prevent terrorism and combat criminal trafficking which affects, among other things, the Sahel region".
«The fruitful exchange of views – concluded the Interior Minister - it was also an opportunity to discuss the training-work paths we are working on, together with other Ministries, to allow young Egyptian citizens to prepare for the world of work and then find a quick job opportunity in Egypt or Italy".
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