Minister Urso praises Ariston and Lube: «Models for Made in Italy»

The presentation of the first two development contracts involving the historic companies of the Marche region

Minister Urso praises Ariston and Lube: «Models for Made in Italy».

Introduce yourself today to Ancona, during a press conference held at the headquarters of Marche region, the first two Development contracts for large investments (B1.1) e the first medium-sized investment package (B1.2), financed by the programme NextApennines dedicated to earthquake areas 2009 and 2016.

«An example, a model of what we can and want to do, of what the Made in Italy:, the Italian system is in a position to make significant investments thanks also to public support, as is right, in an ecosystem extremely favorable to the growth of Made in Italy in sectors that are proud of our production and our work". Thus the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, in Ancona, commenting on the first two contracts with protagonists Ariston Group and Lube.

«Two examples, two models – concluded Urso – that we want to bring to national attention, hence my presence today, but more so, that of the many who look to our country to build their productive dreams".

Taking part in the meeting with the media were not only Minister Urso, but also the President of the Marche Region Francesco Acquaroli e Guido Castelli, Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Repair and Reconstruction 2016.

The action implemented through NextApennines it is of great importance to give impetus to the relaunch and development of the territories of central Italy. Among the investments, the projects of restoring: it is about the return of economic and human capital to central Italy, the best response of those who believe in the potential of a place that still has much to express.

Ariston Group, a company among the world leaders in sustainable thermal comfort based in Fabriano, will commit around 100 million, against a contribution of approximately 16 million. Ariston Group's commitment is to continue to grow in the Marche region through an investment plan focused on renewable and very high efficiency technologies, strengthening the infrastructure and investing in research and development to accelerate product and process innovation. The group will also promote the decarbonisation of production processes and work to guarantee employment.

Lube, a well-known brand that produces modular kitchens and furnishing elements based in Treia, will invest 43,9 million against a 9,5 million contribution. The project involves the creation of a new production unit in Treia, to produce kitchen furniture, living room furniture (assembled and disassembled) and disassembled wardrobes, for the foreign market. An employment impact of 56 more jobs is estimated, as well as new products and greater technical capacity to cope with the foreign market, with a dedicated production line. The investments, which began in March, will end in December 2025, with full launch in 2026.

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