Lombardy, the Region allocates 500 thousand euros against dropping out of university studies: the call for reorientation counseling program has been opened.

The call for tenders is open, aimed at universities and operators accredited for employment services, to create a consultancy service for university students who are going through a difficult moment in their studies and have abandoned or intend to abandon their studies. University.

Lombardy, the Region allocates 500 thousand euros against dropping out of university studies: the call for reorientation counseling program has been opened. 

The call for tenders is now open, aimed at universities and operators accredited for employment services, to create a consultancy service for university students who are going through a difficult time in their studies and have dropped out or intend to drop out of university.

The objective is the redefinition of a new professional project aimed at all those students who demonstrate difficulties in the continuation of their university studies or who have communicated a formal withdrawal from their studies - less than 12 months ago - to their home University.

"Lombardy region - stated the Councilor for Education, Training and Work – wants to guarantee not only a specialized and quality training offer, but also moments capable of accompanying young people in their path of personal growth and development. For this reason, all those activities that can help in the discovery of one's aptitudes and aspirations take on an important role within regional programming.".

"Our Region – continued the councilor – full of opportunities, it aims to be a model of inclusion also for those who are facing a difficult moment in their university studies. To do this, the 'Counseling Program for Study Reorientation' represents an opportunity to build solid bridges that allow students to find quality training courses and rapid employment placement.".

APPROPRIATION – The total allocation amounts to 500.000 euros. The benefit consists in the attribution of an 'endowment' worth 600 euros for each student, useful for financing the orientation service, to encourage informed choices capable of guaranteeing educational success and promoting rapid employment placement.

RECIPIENTS – The call is aimed at operators accredited for employment services (list approved with Decrees no. 1426 of 22/01/2024 and no. 5504 of 05/04/2024 or in subsequent decrees in the event of new expressions of interest declared eligible); and to the recognized state and non-state universities, members of the Regional Coordination Committee of Lombardy Universities.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE – The application for participation must be submitted exclusively online on the Calls and Services platform (also 'Information System') at by 17pm on 31 May 2025.

Milano. La Regione stanzia 500.000 euro per aiuto a rivalutare decisione rinuncia agli studi universitari: aperto il bando programma di counseling per il riorientamento. 

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