The Lombardy Region provides 114 million euros for the Local Public Transport Agencies, the Iseo, Endine and Moro Lakes Basin Authority and Trenord

The Lombardy Region provides almost 114 million euros to the Local Public Transport Agencies, to the Iseo, Endine and Moro Lake Basin Authority and to Trenord.

The Lombardy Region provides 114 million euros for the Local Public Transport Agencies, the Iseo, Endine and Moro Lakes Basin Authority and Trenord.

After having anticipated the resources for the whole of 2024, including state ones deriving from the National Transport Fund, The Lombardy Region provides almost 114 million euros to the Local Public Transport Agencies, to the Iseo, Endine and Moro Lake Basin Authority and to Trenord.

This is foreseen by a resolution approved by the Regional Council, upon proposal of the Councilor for Transport and Sustainable Mobility.

The provision establishes the attribution to the 6 TPL Agencies of Lombardy, to the Iseo, Endine and Moro Lake Basin Authority and to Trenord, of a further tranche of extraordinary resources for the Covid-19 emergency dedicated to the compensation of the lost traffic revenues that can be provided for the year 2021 and the 1st quarter of 2022 to the Lombardy TPL system for an amount equal to 113.949.073,87 euros.

"Lombardy region - declared the regional councilor for Transport and Sustainable Mobility – demonstrates with facts that you support local public transport. These resources are fundamental and will allow us to further improve the service offered, enhancing trips to meet the needs of travellers. We work daily to allow rail and road transport to raise quality standards even further and achieve the excellence of service that the citizens of Lombardy deserve".

Below is the breakdown in euros:

  • Bergamo Tpl Agency 4.434.567,03
  • Tpl Agency Brescia 6.212.833,70
  • Como-Lecco-Varese Tpl Agency 5.096.842,50
  • Cremona-Mantua Tpl Agency 2.103.395,34
  • Tpl Agency Milano-Monza/Brianza-Lodi-Pavia 64.132.485,46
  • Sondrio Tpl Agency 279.859,87
  • Basin Authority 199.723,52
  • Trenord 31.489.366,45
  • TOTAL (LPT Agencies + Basin Authority + Trenord) 113.949.073,87.

The resources allocated, on the basis of the data uploaded by the companies on the platform of the National Observatory for Tpl and according to a criterion of proportionality with respect to the needs resulting from the uploaded data, integrate resources already previously provided, bringing the total recognized so far by the Region Lombardy for the years 2021 and 2022 at 298.746.599 euros.

By the end of the year, after the definitive reporting of the amount actually due to the LPT companies, the State will distribute to the Regions the last tranche of resources for lost revenues during the Covid emergency period. At a national level, this amounts to a further 200 million euros.

Milano. Regione Lombardia eroga fondi pari a 114 milioni di euro per ,le Agenzie del Trasporto Pubblico Locale, Autorità di Bacino laghi d'Iseo, Endine e Moro e Trenord.

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