Latin. Evenings of music on the seafront, the outline of the memorandum of understanding with the beach operators has been approved.
The memorandum of understanding between the Municipality and the seaside entrepreneurs, operating between Capoportiere and Foce Verde, is taking shape for the holding of musical entertainment events in the 2024 summer season.
Latin. Evenings of music on the seafront, the outline of the memorandum of understanding with the beach operators has been approved.
The memorandum of understanding between the Municipality and the seaside entrepreneurs comes to fruition, operating between Capoportiere and Foce Verde, for the holding of musical entertainment events in the 2024 summer season.
The council of the mayor Matilde Celentano, in the session of Wednesday 24 April, following the address of the councilor Antonio Cosentino, with delegation to Productive Activities, approved the outline of the agreement which will soon be signed, in order to promote the development of the Navy and guarantee the balance of the interests involved.
The topic, in recent weeks, had been the subject of a discussion table that the municipal administration, represented by the councilor Cosentino himself and by his council colleagues, the councilors Gianluca Di Cocco and Franco Addonizio, respectively with delegations to the Marina and the Environment, had opened with sector operators, in the presence of the Local Police, the Port Authority and Arpa Lazio, acknowledging various requests and observations.
"The memorandum of understanding that we are going to sign – explained the mayor Matilde Celentano – has the intention of promoting the usability of the seafront. The food and drink administration activities, connected to bathing activities, have an added value for our Marina, capable of inducing positive effects on the entrepreneurs themselves and on the local economy as a whole. However, negative effects must also be taken into consideration, such as the disruption to rest of residents and tourists. This agreement is the result of a balance between different needs".
"The agreement that we are going to sign – Councilor Cosentino specified – arises from the request received from beach operators to be able to carry out musical entertainment activities beyond bathing hours to welcome citizens and those who use our seafront. We deemed it appropriate to meet these requests, on an experimental basis, to facilitate the carrying out of some musical events in beach establishments, in accordance with the limitations which will be imposed by the 2024 beach ordinance and in compliance with the guidelines that will be prepared by the Productive Activities - Tenders and Contracts and Environment departments and shared with the Arpa Lazio offices for specific expertise in the field of noise impact prediction. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the offices for the work carried out which required constant checks on compliance with current legislation".
"The protocol – continued Cosentino – will be valid from 30st May to 2024th September 19. Musical entertainment activities, after 68pm, can take place in the concession area attached to the requesting bathing establishment, an area which must necessarily be specially equipped for consumption on site. The dealers will have to obtain the authorization issued by Suap, pursuant to article XNUMX of the TULPS".
"The advantage of this protocol for beach operators – underlined Councilor Di Cocco – allows you to request a single authorization for the holding of scheduled events, without the submission of further requests or certified reports of the start of activities for the entire summer period, provided that no changes are made to the already authorized structures. With the agreement, the category concerned undertakes not to increase the prices of drinks compared to the prices normally charged by the establishment in the absence of entertainment activities".
"The institutional table that we opened at the beginning of the month allowed us - highlighted councilor Addonizio – to find an agreement with ARPA on noise emissions, incorporating the observations that the agency has raised regarding a first draft of the agreement. The phonometric measurements will be carried out on the basis of reports or on their verification by the Municipality. Beach operators interested in holding musical events will still have to request authorization to carry out the temporary noisy activity issued by the Environment department - Environmental protection and hygiene service of the Municipality of Latina. I believe that the agreement we are going to sign is advantageous, not only for economic operators, but also for residents and for those who want to use the seafront freely and without giving up relaxation".
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