Italy aims at sustainable nuclear power: the presentation of the nuclear bill at Palazzo Chigi, focus on research and development 

Italy aims for sustainable nuclear: the framework bill provides for new plants, advanced research and greater energy security

Italy aims at sustainable nuclear power: the presentation of the nuclear bill at Palazzo Chigi, focus on research and development 

Il The framework bill on nuclear power was recently sent to Palazzo Chigi. This is a document of only six pages drawn up by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (Mase) and edited with the contribution of a ctechnical commission led by jurist Giovanni Guzzetta. The text, sent to the Prime Minister's Office on January 22, aims to be included in the agenda of the first available Council of Ministers. Once approved, the government will have 24 months to issue the necessary implementing decrees.

The 24 month term 

The bill provides that the the government is delegated to adopt, within two years of the entry into force of the law, a series of legislative decrees to regulate:

  • La sustainable nuclear energy production, also for the generation of hydrogen.
  • Lo dismantling of existing plants , radioactive waste management.
  • La research and development on 'fusion energy.
  • La reorganization of skills in the field.

The contents

The bill outlines a pNational Program for the Development of Sustainable Nuclear Energy, with particular attention to:

  • Information and training on role of nuclear technologies in decarbonisation.
  • THEadaptation of Italian legislation to European provisions and international agreements.
  • The localization, construction and operation of new nuclear power plants and facilities for temporary storage of radioactive waste.

Minister Pichetto's thoughts

The Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, underlined the importance of this measure, calling it a "crucial choice" for the country's energy future."Nuclear will not replace renewables, but will complement them, ensuring a balanced and sustainable energy mix," he has declared.

Pichetto highlighted how a return to nuclear is essential to achieve the goals of carbon neutrality by 2050 and to ensure energy independence for the country. Italy, he added, will focus on small modular reactors and fourth-generation technologies, considered safer and more efficient.

Research for development and innovation among professionals

Another key point of the bill is the Strengthening research on nuclear energy. Incentives are foreseen for research and development on fission and fusion, as well as measures to enhance the territories involved. The training of technicians, engineers and researchers will be regulated in the implementing decrees, with a focus on security and control.

Creation of an independent authority

The bill also proposes theestablishment of an independent administrative authority, which will be responsible for ensuring the safety of the plants and compliance with regulations. Guarantee systems are also planned throughout the life cycle of the plants and coordination with the regulations on the energy market.

Contrasting opinions: those for and those against

The bill has found the support of Forza Italia, Lega, Azione, Italia Viva and Confindustria. However, they remain the Democratic Party is skeptical and the 5 Star Movement, the Greens and many environmental associations are against itThe possibility of an abrogative referendum or protests related to the location of the power plants is not excluded.

"With the draft law on nuclear power, ready to be examined by the Council of Ministers, Italy takes a leap forward towards energy independence, security of supply, environmental and economic sustainability in energy production”. The Deputy Prime Minister and National Secretary of Forza Italia comments in a note, Antonio Tajani, thus reiterating his support for the nuclear issue and development. “The one for the reintroduction of nuclear power- goes on- It is a battle that Forza Italia, with Minister Pichetto Fratin, has been fighting since the beginning of the legislature, countering those old prejudices and ideological legacies for which citizens and businesses pay the price in their bills. We have made ambitious commitments in Europe, setting the goal of decarbonisation for 2050. Only with the entry of nuclear power into a diversified energy mix, which includes the contribution of all renewable sources according to the principle of technological neutrality, will we be able to achieve this goal. The government is working to ensure that future generations live in an independent and energy-secure country,” the Deputy Prime Minister concluded.

L'Italia punta al nucleare sostenibile: la presentazione del DDL sul nucleare a Palazzo Chigi, focus su ricerca e sviluppo The objectives set

The main objective of the bill is provide Italy with a clear regulatory framework that allows a return to nuclear power to address the increase in energy demand, estimated to double in the next twenty years. This, according to the government, will allow to stabilize the production from renewable sources, guarantee low prices and reduce energy dependence on foreign countries.


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