
Ancona: fight against food waste, Aguzzi: “The state of implementation and the results of the interventions are positive”.

A concrete interest and active participation of the institutions in the context of the tender for the implementation of projects regarding the fight against food and non-food waste.

Ancona: fight against food waste, Aguzzi: “The state of implementation and the results of the interventions are positive”.

A concrete interest and active participation of the institutions within the call for the implementation of projects regarding the fight against food waste and not food, is the outcome of the report approved by the Regional Council at the last meeting.
The territorial authorities of the Waste Area and the Social Territorial Areas, as promoters, and various Municipalities or associative forms of Municipalities which already operate in local areas have responded positively to the action proposed by the Marche Region.

“The first results of the last two years sincecommitment of regional resources to combat food waste – explains the Councilor for the Environment and Waste of the Marche Region, Stephen Aguzzi – I definitely am positive. In the various territories of the Region, the tender was perceived as an opportunity for the Municipalities and bodies that collaborate in close synergy on a daily basis. The methodological approach that the notice itself defined as tending to was appreciated improve the transport and conservation chain to guarantee the quality and durability of food saved from waste".
The projects financed in 2022 and 2023 are being launched after the purchase of the assets by the beneficiaries, while training activities are ongoing.

“The law – states Aguzzi – although it has not yet reached a sufficient level of operational implementation, has made it possible to draw an initial assessment of the activities carried out. The degree of diffusion of projects at a territorial level was homogeneous, also involving internal areas, where the possibility of having refrigerated vehicles for collection has allowed an expansion of the territorial scope, consequently expanding the possibility of intercepting as many goods as possible".
The Regional Council, taking note of the difficulties encountered by the Municipalities benefiting from the projects in progress, has provided solutions regarding the coverage of the financial charges for the management expenses strictly connected to the implementation of the projects, such as for example the insurance coverage of the means for the distribution of the collected food, stamps and maintenance of the vehicles, granting a one-off supplementary contribution of €99.950,00 to local authorities who have already benefited.

Ancona: contrasto allo spreco alimentare, Aguzzi: “Positivi lo stato di attuazione e i risultati degli interventi”.

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