Farnesina: Undersecretary Giorgio Silli on mission to New Zealand

First visit to the country by a member of the Italian government since 2009

Farnesina: Undersecretary Giorgio Silli on mission to New Zealand.

The Undersecretary of State George Silli went on a mission to New Zealand on 24 and 25 July, first visit to the country by a member of the Italian government since 2009. The visit took place a few days after New Zealand's participation in the Trade Ministerial under the Italian Presidency of the G7 (Villa San Giovanni, 16-17 July).

The various institutional meetings held by the Undersecretary (President of the Foreign Affairs Commission of Parliament, Minister of Energy, Minister for Climate Change, Speaker of Parliament as well as various interlocutors from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) made it possible to review the excellent state of bilateral relations and explore new areas of collaboration.

«New Zealand confirms itself as an important partner for Italy in the Indo-Pacific, both on a bilateral level and in the broader context of global challenges»Said Herring, adding that «the sectors with the greatest potential from an economic point of view, and in which to invest more, are textiles, infrastructure, energy, the defense industry. The support action of the Italian Government has focused and will focus on these."

Full harmony emerged on the main international issues, such as Ukraine, the crisis in the Middle East, collaboration within NATO, the Indo-Pacific, the protection of the rules-based international order and the fight against climate change. At the center of the talks was also the recent entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and New Zealand, which will facilitate the access of European companies to public procurement in the country.

During the mission Silli also visited an agricultural structure specialized in the production of fine wool and a textile plant that already supplies high quality yarns to Italian high fashion operators, also using Made in Italy textile and industrial machinery. Finally, the Undersecretary met with representatives of the Italian community, coming from different areas of the country.

Farnesina il sottosegretario Giorgio Silli in missione in Nuova Zelanda

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