Farnesina, Africa: 200 million to support the internationalization of Italian companies.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani spoke yesterday at Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the presentation conference on “Financial instruments for the internationalization of Italian companies”, organized jointly with Simest.
During the event, opened by the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mary Tripodi, the new SIMEST subsidized finance measure worth 200 million (the so-called “Attanasio Quota”) under the 394/81 Fund which supports the internationalization of Italian companies, in particular SMEs. The new measure is reserved for companies permanently present or intending to establish a presence in Africa, to companies that export or source supplies on the African continent, as well as those of the related supply chains.
«Since the beginning of my mandate – he stated in his speech Tajani - I wanted to give priority to Africa in Italian foreign policy action: the Government is strongly committed to building a strategic and equal partnership with the Continent, as demonstrated by the Mattei plan for Africa and the centrality assigned also within the framework of our G7 Presidency".
«This new measure - underlined the Deputy Prime Minister - will give further impetus to our productive fabric and our territories towards the markets of the African continent for the creation of long-lasting and mutually beneficial entrepreneurial collaborations".
During the event, Tajani presented six students from the University for Foreigners of Perugia with certificates of participation in projects promoting Made in Italy products carried out at Simest and implemented in their respective countries.
In addition to Undersecretary Maria Tripodi, the President and CEO of Simest, Pasquale Salzano and Regina Corradini D'Arienzo, the President of ICE Agenzia Matteo Zoppas, the Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the Council of Ministers and Coordinator of the mission of the Mattei Plan Fabrizio Saggio, the President of Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo Marco Cecchi and the CEO of the Pelliconi Spa company Massimo Dal Checco.
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