Benevento, the Municipality has joined the "Stop bombing civilians" campaign

The Campaign is announced on the occasion of the "National Day of Civilian Victims of Wars and Conflicts in the World"

Benevento, the Municipality has joined the "Stop bombing civilians" campaign.

The Municipality of Benevento has joined the "Stop bombs on civilians" campaign, promoted by ANCI and the National Association of Civilian Victims of War (ANVCG) and aimed at raising awareness among the community of the dramatic consequences of wars and armed conflicts on civilians.
Therefore, on Wednesday 1 February, on the occasion of the "National Day of Civil Victims of Wars and Conflicts in the World", the Arch of Trajan will be lit up in blue from 18 pm to 00 pm to remember the drama of the victims civilians of the war between Russia and Ukraine and of those underway in every part of the world, which are increasingly being fought in cities and inhabited centers.
“We have joined with conviction the initiative promoted by ANCI and ANVCG – explains the mayor Clemente Mastella – because we believe that it is fundamental to preserve the memory of the civilian victims of all wars and to promote, according to the principles of article 11 of the Constitution, culture of peace and the repudiation of war. Among other things, the "National Day of Civilian Victims of Wars and Conflicts in the World" will coincide with the 80th anniversary of the start of the War of Liberation, which also marked the beginning of the hardest period for the Italian population of the Second World War, with thousands of civilian victims in many cities, including Benevento, where over 2.000 people perished".

Benevento, il Comune ha aderito alla campagna “Stop alle bombe sui civili”

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