Benevento, the mayor Clemente Mastella has appointed the new municipal council
Benevento, 26 October 2021 – Mayor Clemente Mastella appointed the new municipal council with the simultaneous assignment of delegations. Below are the names of the new members of the city executive and the delegations assigned to each:
- Francesco De Pierro – councilor with delegation: Relations with the City Council, Relations with the Region, Implementation of the Program, Implementation of the Pics, European Funds, Administrative Simplification, Transparency, Legality, Anti-corruption;
- Mario Pasquariello – councilor with delegation: Public Works and Infrastructures, land and property maintenance, planning and design of works, urban services and sub-services, public lighting, school buildings;
- Carmela Coppola – councilor with delegation: Social Policies, Fight against Poverty and Discrimination, Reception and Integration, Fight against Violence and trafficking against Women and Minors, Senior Citizens, Disability Policies, Relations with Volunteers, Bnl Area Coordination, Personal;
- Luigi Ambrosone – councilor with responsibility for: Productive Activities, markets, occupation of public land, Suap, Special Economic Zones, Local Public Transport and School Transport;
- Mariagrazia Chiusolo – councilor with delegation: Urban Planning, Private Construction, Toponymy, Puc, Relations with Acer, Housing Policies;
- Alessandro Rosa – councilor with delegation: Environment, Waste Cycle, separate waste collection, Public Green and Parks, Energy Policies, Urban Furnishings and Decoration, Pet Policies (dogs and cats), Reclamation of sites and illegal landfills, River Cycle and water, Health Policies;
- Attilio Cappa – councilor with responsibility for: VAT numbers, Tourism, Traffic and Parking, Investee Companies and Similar Control, State Property and Heritage, Fairs and Congresses, Cemetery Policies;
- Antonella Tartaglia Polcini – councilor with delegation: Culture, Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO Heritage, Events, Major Events, Libraries, Relations with Religious Communities;
- Maria Carmela Serluca – councilor with responsibility for: Budget and Finance, Economic Planning, Finance, Taxes, Education and School Services.
Councilor Francesco De Pierro was also given the role of deputy mayor.
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