Benevento, from 12 May 8 events dedicated to reading for "Benevento Città che legge"
Benevento, pwill kick off on Wednesday 12 May the new edition of the "Letture a Palazzo" exhibition, an initiative organized by the Culture Department of the Municipality of Benevento and included in the national program of "Il Maggio dei Libri", a well-known event created by the Center for books and the reading of the Ministry of Culture, dedicated this year to the seven hundred years since the death of the Supreme Poet.
The 2021 edition of "Letture a Palazzo" includes eight events that will be held at Palazzo Paolo V from 12 May to 4 June.
“We wanted – explains councilor Rossella Del Prete – to be present again this year and give our contribution to the meritorious national campaign to promote reading, through a literary review which will take place, in compliance with all Covid safety protocols, at the historic Palazzo di Città, home of the Municipal Library. These are events dedicated to reading, with themes ranging from theater to local history, with moments also designed for young readers as well as the encounter between reading and the art of dance.
The hope - concluded the councilor - is that this event can mark the beginning of a slow return to normality, to a dimension where participating in cultural events in person can finally be a worry-free routine".
The eight events of the "Readings at the Palace" event will always begin at 17pm. Four events will be organized in person with limited numbers (with the possibility of booking to be sent to:, another four will be carried out remotely, through an online connection. All the events of the event will be broadcast live on the Facebook page of the Municipal Library of Benevento.
Below is the meeting programme:
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