Benevento, delivery of ACER accommodation in Capodimonte: the finish line is the month of May

Acer has put the time of the works on paper

Benevento, delivery of Capodimonte accommodation: the finish line is the month of May.

The Campania Residential Building Agency (Acer) has communicated to the municipal administration of Benevento and to the Prefecture, with a note signed by the head of department Americo Galizia, the timetable for the delivery to the assignees of the 52 apartments located in the Capodimonte district.


The status of the works

Acer specifies that the works are now nearing completion and that the gas supply is available. While for the connection to the electricity grid, Enel did not carry out the necessary operations, despite being asked to proceed and the external substation being duly positioned, as requested.
As for the times for the 32 apartments, the Agency identifies the date of February 15th for the completion of the works; thirteen days later, on February 28, the static testing should be completed. March 15th is the day identified for the end of the registration procedure and the connection to the municipal networks should take place on April 30th.
The final piece with the technical-administrative testing is scheduled for May 30th. Slight time differences for the 20 attic accommodations. The works end on 15 February, between 15 and 30 March completion of the static testing (including the external lifts), on 15 April the stacking and on 15 May the green light for the technical testing which will open the doors to delivery.


Delivery in mid-May

In a joint note, the mayor Clemente Mastella and the councilor for housing policies Mariagrazia Chiuslo state: "We have obtained, with a tenacious stimulus action, that Acer put in black and white the times to conclude the technical-bureaucratic procedures which are mandatory , strictly required by law and in the absence of which no delivery of the keys can take place. The finish line should be crossed in mid-May. We perfectly understand the restlessness of the assignees and their worried unrest, but the municipal administration has exercised, from the beginning, careful supervision, aware of the sensitivity of the matter and the sacredness of the right to housing".
“But the completion of the regulatory procedures is simply essential – conclude the mayor and councilor – and it would be impossible, as well as being a violation of the law, to authorize entry into a home without testing. We will request, in writing, Enel to carry out the estimated work. We will encourage Acer to scrupulously respect the timetable and we will check that the time steps described are respected: in the spring we hope to be able to write the happy ending of the story", conclude mayor Mastella and councilor Chiusolo".
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