Arezzo, the Municipality continues with the maneuver against the high cost of living

A strengthening to deal with economic and social hardship

Arezzo, the Municipality continues with the maneuver against the high cost of living.

It amounts to more 600mila euros the strengthening maneuver for social cohesion resolved by Giunta to complete the extraordinary cost-of-living plan implemented last May to deal with the severe economic difficulties of this year. The resources identified go to support the most critical situations, from innocent arrears to rent contributions, from food poverty, to disability, to public assistance.

In detail, the largest part equal to 220mila euros is intended to support families in the educational field. They have also been allocated 85mila euros for the blameless arrears for those who live in public housing and 130mila euros rent contribution to those in the private sector, support which will go to support those families whose difficult situation is already known. 25mila euros they were destined for the pediatric play library Snowdrop for the reopening of the business e 65mila euros will benefit social cohesion policies, partly managed directly by the services that deal with serious cases of marginalization and partly entrusted to the planning of the Caritas related to SIF, family inclusion system, and food poverty. In the end, 60mila euro are the one-off payments intended for public assistance, White Cross, Red Cross e Mercy, which is precisely in this 2022 they have suffered considerable difficulties due to both the consequences linked to the pandemic, including the freezing of the availability of volunteers, and the increase in management costs also in the face of regional reimbursements that are below needs.

“From May to today the City of Arezzo has almost allocated 1 million euro to deal with economic, social and educational hardship. Constant attention by the Administration to all the most critical situations which unfortunately in recent years, thanks to events such as the pandemic first and the war in Ukraine afterwards, have contributed to increasing the difficulties faced by many families. Equally important is the support for that third sector which with its activity plays a primary role in supporting social cohesion", commented the vice mayor Lucia Tanti.

Arezzo, il Comune prosegue con la manovra contro il carovita.

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