Arezzo, the city is at the forefront in experimenting with the Digital Notification Platform for public documents
A new method of administrative simplification
Arezzo, the city is at the forefront in experimenting with the Digital Notification Platform for public documents.
“Another confirmation of the great attention paid to our city which is increasingly becoming a point of reference among local authorities in the field of digitalisation. Arezzo has in fact been identified as 'pilot city' for testing the project PND which provides for the application of a digital notification platform for public documents. A recognition of the excellent work carried out to date byAdministration, which is proceeding towards a progressive digitalisation of services by successfully intercepting tenders PNRR dedicated."
THEcouncilor Monica Manneschi is satisfied: another PNRR loan is arriving for the construction of the PND, the Digital Notifications Platform for public documents which will specifically allow notifications of communications and documents to be delivered to the citizen Common both of a tax and non-tax nature connected to the possibility of payment via I pay Pa.
The Digital Notifications Platform was created to innovate communication between State e citizens, exploiting digital opportunities to improve the possibilities of receiving, managing, controlling and storing legal communications received by entities. In particular, it aims to simplify and make the notification of administrative documents to citizens and businesses certain, offering them new opportunities to exercise their rights and fulfill their duties.
There are many advantages for citizens, for whom receiving notifications digitally means guaranteeing freedom, convenience and inclusiveness. Citizens will be able to access the document served directly from their device, at any place and time, through various channels, onIO app or from your own PEC, receiving an alert with aEmail or sms. This will allow you to reduce delivery times, save on notification costs and download and archive documents digitally, making a sustainable choice also for the environment.
For those who, however, wish to continue to rely on traditional methods of notification and reception, the platform will ensure the sending of communications also in paper format to the citizen's residence. The Notifications Platform also offers benefits to public entities, for which it guarantees a more efficient and secure system for sending communications, relieving administrations from managing the entire notification process. The sending entities only have to deposit the document to be notified on the platform that will handle the sending, digitally or analogically. With the Notification Platform, the uncertainty of the recipients' availability is reduced and management times and costs are reduced.
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