50 years since the Piazza della Loggia massacre, governor thanks President Mattarella

"It is our duty not to forget, to keep the memory of all the innocent victims alive."

50 years since the Piazza della Loggia massacre, governor thanks President Mattarella

The vice president of the Lombardy Region and the councilor for the Environment and Climate participated this morning in Brescia in the commemoration ceremony for the victims of the Piazza della Loggia massacre, the fiftieth anniversary of which occurs today.

In a message, the governor expressed his thanks the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella “today in Piazza della Loggia to commemorate this fiftieth anniversary together with Brescia and all the Lombards”.

“It is our duty – added – do not forget, keep the memory of all the innocent victims alive and continue to demand truth and justice.”

ENVIRONMENT COUNCILOR: DELIVERING HISTORICAL TRUTH TO THE VICTIMS' RELATES - “Fifty years since a massacre that shook our community, – said the Councilor for Environment and Climate – a wound that still hasn't healed. The presence of President Mattarella is a strong signal of how close the State is to our city. The institutions are united and determined in wanting to reach the conclusion of all the proceedings still open to deliver not only the historical truth, but also the judicial truth to the relatives of the victims and to all citizens".

50 anni dalla strage di Piazza della Loggia, governatore ringrazia presidente Mattarella

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