
Piacenza: He was under house arrest but continued to deal, 27-year-old arrested

At the end, 235 grams of hashish and 265 grams of cocaine were found and seized in various parts of the house.

Piacenza: He was under house arrest but continued to deal, 27-year-old arrested

Found in his home almost half a kilo of drugs between hashish and cocaine.

A repeated drug dealing was discovered and stopped by the Carabinieri of the Castel San Giovanni Station. The military proceeded to arrest a 27 year old held responsible for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and resisting a public official.

The young man was already subjected to the regime of arrest for the same crime, but regardless of the restrictive measure imposed on him, he continued to deal drugs from his home.

The Carabinieri of Castel San Giovanni, following investigations and checks, noticed that known drug addicts stopped for a short time near the 27-year-old's home and then went to "wait" in the parking lot of a supermarket. where they picked up the drugs.

In light of these facts, with the help of the canine unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Piacenza, an investigation was carried out house search of the house where the young man was serving his house arrest sentence. The same not at all cooperative, he took it out on the military and in a fit of rage he punched a door off its hinges and damaged another, before being stopped and immobilized.

Piacenza: era ai domiciliari ma continuava a spacciare, arrestato 27enne

At the end they were found in various parts of the house and 235 grams of hashish and 265 grams of cocaine seized, packaging material, as well as the cash sum of 2270 euros believed to be the proceeds of the illegal activity, which the young man kept in his pocket.

During the search, there were also people present in the house two 20 year old compatriots, who were hosted in a room on "makeshift mattresses", who although not found in possession of drugs, could not have been unaware of the 27-year-old's management of a drug dealing business, considering that part of the seized drugs was found on the kitchen table and for this reason they were reported for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing.

The 27-year-old was arrested by order of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Piacenza and taken to the "Novate" prison in Piacenza at the disposal of the judicial authorities.

Piacenza: era ai domiciliari ma continuava a spacciare, arrestato 27enne

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