Pescara: Sprays pepper spray in the face of two carabinieri, 25-year-old arrested

an arrest

Pescara: Sprays pepper spray in the face of two carabinieri, 25-year-old arrested

A routine intervention, in the context of tension in the family, has turned into a episode of violence against the police, culminating in the arrest of a young woman of Ukrainian originThe events took place in a house on Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa. An elderly gentleman living in the area had requested assistance from NUE 112 following a heated argument with his partner's 27-year-old daughter, who had been living away from home for some time. The girl had tried to return to the home from which she had been evicted five years earlier due to her aggressive behavior towards her mother.

While the Carabinieri who intervened tried to mediate the situation, the young woman took from her purse a canister, which turned out to be stinging spray and without any warning or apparent motivation suddenly sprayed the contents at the height of the soldier's face, causing severe eye irritation. The other soldier, who intervened to help his colleague, also fell victim to the gesture., because he was suffering from respiratory problems due to accidental inhalation of it.

Although drawn from the spray the two carabinieri managed to request assistance from the operations centre who sent another patrol to the scene. At this point the woman, clearly agitated, was first stopped and taken to the offices of the Pescara Company Command he was arrested on charges of violence and threats to a public official, resisting arrest, and carrying instruments capable of causing harm.

Subsequently it became necessary to accompany the two Carabinieri at the Emergency Room of the Pescara Hospital where they were receiving first aid, both fortunately had only suffered minor injuries, the hospital report indicated a prognosis of 5 days for irritation to the eyes and throat respectively.

The young woman, who even in the barracks continued with her aggressive behavior towards the officers, on the orders of the Public Prosecutor, has been associated, without prejudice to his presumption of innocence, at the Chieti District Prison awaiting the validation hearing to be held at the Pescara Court.

Pescara: Spruzza spray urticante nel viso di due carabinieri, arrestata 25enne

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