Pescara: in the space of 3 years a 41-year-old allegedly got 26.500 euros by abusing the victim's mental infirmity. Arrested

In the early hours of yesterday morning, the police officers of the Pescara Flying Squad arrested, in execution of the precautionary custody order issued by the GIP of Pescara, a 41-year-old from Pescara investigated for the crime of defrauding the incapacitated, aggravated by having caused the victim significant financial damage.

Pescara: in the space of 3 years a 41-year-old allegedly made himself pay 26.500 euros by abusing the victim's mental infirmity. Arrested.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, the police officers of the Pescara Flying Squad arrested, in execution of the precautionary custody order issued by the GIP of Pescara, a 41 year old from Pescara investigated for the crime of defrauding the incapacitated, aggravated by having caused the victim significant financial damage.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Pescara, which coordinated the investigations, requested the precautionary measure following the elements that emerged from the in-depth activity of the Flying Squad, thanks to which the following information was obtained: serious indications of guilt according to which, from 2021 to 2024, the suspect, abusing the victim's mental infirmity, he allegedly had approximately 26.500 euros given to him, sums withdrawn in cash from post offices by the unfortunate man and then physically delivered to the man arrested today who, under various pretexts, organised specific meetings aimed at the giving.

This story, moreover, had had a past great media attention since similar facts had already been contested to the accused and, on that occasion, had been dealt with by the note TV show “Le Iene”.

Pescara: nel giro di 3 anni un 41enne si sarebbe fatto elargire 26.500 Euro abusando dello stato d’infermità psichica della vittima. Arrestato

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