Pescara: 28-year-old arrested on suspicion of attempted murder

Given the serious evidence of guilt collected by investigators, the 28-year-old was then placed under police custody and taken to prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

Pescara: 28-year-old arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

The police officers of the Pescara Police Headquarters have placed a twenty-eight-year-old man under judicial police custody, seriously suspected of attempted murder.

In fact, at around 1.50am, a man was reported to the operations room who, having arrived at a factory on the Pescara coast aboard a scooter, had fired several gunshots.
The State Police Flying Squad and UPGSP patrols, which arrived immediately on site, managed to reconstruct the dynamics of the events in detail and identify the alleged perpetrator in just a few hours.

It was therefore ascertained that the 28-year-old, shortly before, had had an argument with a security officer at the venue, who had not allowed him entry as he was accompanied by a minor without a document.

This refusal would have unleashed the anger of the young man who, promising revenge, left with the young woman in a car and then returned, after about 20 minutes, on a scooter, alone and armed with a 7,65 pistol, with in which he fired 6 shots towards the security guard at a distance of a few meters at eye level, failing in his aim but seriously endangering the safety of the many present.

Thus, a 26-year-old and a 21-year-old, patrons of the club and unrelated to the events, despite being a few tens of meters away from the scene of the events, were grazed by stray bullets, fortunately suffering superficial injuries such that they could be treated on the spot by the 118 personnel intervened.

The investigations, in addition to the acquisition of testimonies from those present, involved the extraction and analysis of videos from surveillance cameras from both commercial activities near the scene of the incident and from municipal cameras scattered throughout the city, with which it was possible to reconstruct the timing and routes of the suspect.

Furthermore, targeted checks were carried out on the availability of premises and vehicles, as well as on the criminal's frequent visits, so as to confirm the dynamics that emerged from the testimonies and videos.

Given the serious evidence of guilt collected by investigators, the 28-year-old was then arrested and taken to prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
This result, obtained in such a timely manner, was possible thanks to the intensification of territorial control activities, arranged by the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security by Prefect Flavio Ferdani and, most recently, in the meeting held yesterday, August 22, as well as through the planning of tight and detailed territorial control devices implemented by the Police Chief of the Province of Pescara, Carlo Solimene.

Pescara: fermo di indiziato di delitto di un 28enne per tentato omicidio.

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