Pescara, end-of-year balance sheet of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri

2024 saw the Carabinieri of the Pescara Provincial Command daily engaged in the protection of local communities, with an activity aimed at ensuring a widespread and reassuring presence throughout the provincial territory and a very positive balance of activities

Pescara, end-of-year balance sheet of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri

2024 saw the Carabinieri of the Pescara Provincial Command engaged daily in the protection of local communities, with an activity aimed at ensuring a widespread and reassuring presence throughout the provincial territory and a very positive balance of activities.

In 2024, the Carabinieri patrols of the province of Pescara checked a total of 69.500 people and 49.200 vehicles as part of the territorial control services carried out, carrying out 7.600 interventions (over 20 per day). On the prevention front, the close synergy with the specialist components of the force was fundamental, in addition to the forestry one, which is widely present in the territory, also those of the Anti-Adulteration Unit and the Labor Inspectorate Unit. The checks carried out in the various sectors have in fact made it possible, in many cases, to highlight deficiencies or failures that, if neglected, could have had serious consequences. During the year, the Carabinieri of the Labor Inspectorate carried out 170 inspections in the city and province of companies, construction sites and activities, both to protect workers and users.

In 2024, the overall provincial crime indicator recorded a slight decline (11.108 crimes as of December 30, 2024 compared to 11.239 in all of 2023). The Arma, alone, prosecuted 81% of the crimes committed in the entire province. From the most serious crimes to the less bloody, but no less important, such as arguments and disagreements even within the family, which, in the current year, were 285. In this context, particular attention has been paid to gender violence. The Pescara police force has always been constantly and actively engaged in preventing and combating this despicable phenomenon, using all available tools. In this context, among the hypotheses for which the police force has proceeded, particular emphasis has been placed on the arrest last November for attempted murder of the perpetrator of an attack on a foreign woman, attacked in Cepagatti while she was returning home.

The hateful phenomenon of scams, especially those targeting the elderly, also deserves a special mention. Fortunately, the number of reported crimes has slightly decreased (1.113, a -16,75 percent compared to 2023), also due to greater awareness among the most exposed vulnerable groups.

Pescara, bilancio di fine anno del Comando Provinciale dei Carabinieri

In this context, sensing the strong impact on the population, The Provincial Command has also paid particular attention to prevention, organizing numerous meetings at parishes and senior centers, in order to provide useful information to defend oneself from scams, illustrating the main typologies and strategies used by scammers to gain the trust of victims and always recommending to contact 112 in case of need. The latest in chronological order, the one conducted in the diocese of “Pescara – Penne”, in agreement with HE Mons. Tommaso Valentinetti, which saw the Carabinieri meet the faithful during Sunday Masses in order to inform them of the fraudulent methods used by unscrupulous criminals. In this context, just last October the Carabinieri of Spoltore, arrested in flagrante delicto two boys from Campania, a 22-year-old and a 21-year-old, for the crime of aggravated fraud in competition, since they were responsible for having defrauded a local lady, with the so-called “fake road accident scam” in which her daughter was involved. In particular, pretending to be Carabinieri, they had contacted the victim by telephone, inducing her to hand over, as payment for the “release” of the aforementioned, gold jewelry worth approximately 20.000. All the stolen goods were recovered and returned to the victim.

The commitment of the company commanders continued at the local primary and secondary schools as part of the project promoted by the Carabinieri for the formation of the "culture of legality", to increase in young people the culture of legality and the awareness of the importance of safety, promoting knowledge and respect for the rules. The aforementioned meetings also touched on the issues of education on environmental legality, bullying and cyberbullying, the “widespread interests” of the community, road safety, drugs, gender violence, human rights and the protection of cultural heritage.

Finally, the commitment guaranteed by the military of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Pescara in the fight against drug trafficking is incessant, diverting a total of approximately 30 kg of narcotic substances from the illegal market. In this regard, among the numerous operations conducted, noteworthy are those carried out by the Investigative Unit, which led to the arrest of 6 people for drug trafficking and the arrest in Duisburg (GER) of a well-known drug trafficker, already included in the list of fugitives of maximum danger drawn up by the Ministry of the Interior.

Furthermore, the investigations that brought to justice the perpetrators of the brutal murder of a Bangladeshi citizen in Via Gran Sasso and of two attempted murders, committed in the context of juvenile delinquency, against which the Carabinieri have demonstrated an increasingly incisive action of prevention and contrast, through the preparation of targeted services in plain clothes and in uniform, also with the help of dog units, motorcyclists and foot patrols, have been successfully concluded.

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