Pescara: During a house search, the Carabinieri find a homemade explosive device. A young man arrested

This morning the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Montesilvano Company arrested a thirty-two year old local man for illegal possession of explosive material.

Pescara: during a house search, the Carabinieri found a homemade explosive device. After detonating it with the help of the Fire Department, they arrested a young man.

This morning the Carabinieri of the Operative and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Montesilvano Company, have taken arrest for illegal possession of explosive material a thirty-two year old local youth. During a house search the soldiers found a explosive device of a handcrafted type and a blank gun, without the red cap, a perfect reproduction of an automatic weapon.

A team of bomb disposal experts from the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Chieti, 118 personnel and Pescara Fire Department which he put the area safely and, after the appropriate investigations on the nature of the explosive device found, they did so shines.

The characteristics of the device triggered the handcuffs around the wrists of the young man from Pescara on the serious charge of illegal possession of explosive material and, by order of the Deputy Prosecutor on duty at the Pescara Court, confined to the San Donato prison.

Investigations are now continuing in order to trace the origin of the manufacturing of the device itself.

Pescara: durante una perquisizione domiciliare i Carabinieri trovano un ordigno esplosivo artigianale. Dopo averlo fatto brillare con l'aiuto dei Vigili del Fuoco, hanno arrestato un giovane

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