Pescara, checks in nightlife areas by the State Police

The Police Headquarters has intensified checks in the nightlife areas, following the directives agreed upon by the Committee for Public Order and Security

Pescara, checks in nightlife areas by the State Police

The State Police's commitment to ensuring checks in nightlife areas continues. The Police Headquarters has in fact intensified checks in nightlife areas, following the directives agreed upon by the Committee for Public Order and Security.

Over the weekend, the Pescara Police Chief ordered checks in the areas most frequented by young people, where several public places and other usual meeting places are located.

In these areas, several crews operated under the coordination of a public safety officer, with the aim of preventing illicit behavior and also carrying out administrative checks on commercial activities.

Pescara, controlli nelle zone della movida da parte della Polizia di Stato

The control activity that concerned in particular the Pescara Vecchia area had the aim of combating drug dealing and alcohol abuse among young people.

During this activity it was found, by Administrative Division staff, that drinks were being served at a disco-pub and customers were being entertained with live music, without the necessary authorisations.
The business owner will have to pay administrative fines amounting to approximately 7.000 euros.

In the same operational context, the officers administratively reported a young man for personal use of drugs.
Shortly after, while the police were walking along Manthonè, they noticed a 40-year-old man hanging out outside a club.

The latter, subjected to control, was found to be affected by a criminal conviction to be served, with the obligation of house arrest. For this reason, he was arrested for evasion, being outside his home at an unauthorized time.

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