Pescara, at the Emergency Room with a knife hidden in his pants pocket. A 29-year-old reported

The Pescara State Police officers reported a 29-year-old resident of Pescara for carrying objects capable of offending, caught late in the evening at the Emergency Room of the Civil Hospital of Pescara in possession of a knife

Pescara, at the Emergency Room with a knife hidden in his pants pocket. A 29-year-old reported

The Pescara State Police officers reported a 29-year-old resident of Pescara for carrying objects capable of offending, caught late this evening at the emergency room of the Pescara Civil Hospital in possession of a knife.

The man was found in possession of a 19 cm long folding knife that he had hidden in his pants pocket. Fortunately, no one was injured and the officers were able to seize the knife.

Pescara, al Pronto Soccorso con il coltello nascosto nella tasca dei pantaloni. Denunciato un 29enne

Specifically, at 23.20pm, the Police Headquarters operations room sent a patrol car to the emergency room where a man who had been transported by ambulance had what appeared to be the handle of a knife sticking out of his pocket.

The officers immediately took him to the hospital, where, as ordered by the Police Chief, checks were implemented, and the man was searched and found in possession of a switchblade, hidden in his pants pocket. After identification, the 29-year-old was reported and the knife seized.

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