Pescara: a large area seized for the collection, transport, recovery, disposal, trade and intermediation of hazardous waste

The State Police seizes an abyssive car wrecker.

Pescara: a large area seized for the collection, transport, recovery, disposal, trade and intermediation of hazardous waste.

In recent days, the Pescara Highway Police, during one of the many checks organised within the scope of commercial activities connected to road traffic, he proceeded to seizure of a large area attributable to a car wrecker in which operations of collection, transport, recovery, disposal, trade and intermediation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste deriving from the processing of vehicles were carried out in the absence of the required authorization.

The area was managed by two fifty-year-old brothers from Pescara.
Investigations are underway aimed at ascertaining the origin of the various cars found in the area - deprived of essential components - and of the legitimate owners who will also be sanctioned for having used an illegal activity and not an authorized collection centre.

Pescara: sequestrata una vasta area per raccolta, trasporto, recupero, smaltimento, commercio ed intermediazione di rifiuti pericolosi

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