Pescara: 32-year-old caught using earphones during driving test, reported for attempted fraud.

A man of Nigerian origin tried to cheat the driving test with electronic devices. He was reported by the Carabinieri for attempted fraud.

Pescara: 32-year-old caught using earphones during driving test, reported for attempted fraud.

Not only did he not get a driver's license, but he also left with a complaint for attempted fraud. That's how the exam of a 32 year old of Nigerian origin, idle, registered in the FF. PP database, resident in the province of Pescara, not receiving citizen's income, caught trying to "cheat" during the exam Civil Motorization of Pescara.

The episode occurred yesterday morning, when the Carabinieri of the NOR of the Pescara Carabinieri Company Command were called to intervene by the technical staff in charge of the surveillance and security service at the examination room of the local Civil Motorization. It was during the written test for obtaining the driving license that the officials noticed the 32-year-old using a microcamera with microchip, wifi router with amplifieras well as a micro earphone hidden inside the auricle to receive answers from third parties who were probably assisting him from the outside. Further investigations are now underway on their identity and role, also to understand whether this is an isolated case or an organized scam.

Once they reached the Motor Vehicle Department, the men of the Arma seized the aforementioned material, triggering the complaint against the 32-year-old. It is not the first time that episodes of this type have occurred during driving test. The candidates, on various occasions, have tried to pass the tests with the help of external subjects, or by resorting to the support of smartphone e computing devices. The cases recorded in various areas of Italy are extremely varied: the most popular expedients are precisely the earphones but, in order to try to get the driving license, the subjects under examination also resorted to using more imaginative expedients, such as fake glasses with microphone o masks equipped with micro-cameras, not to mention those who tried to send a friend in their place by falsifying documents.

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