Penne, the Carabinieri arrest a non-EU citizen found in possession of two kilos of cocaine
The operations of the Carabinieri military aimed at contrasting and repressing illicit activities, with particular regard to the trade in narcotic substances, continue constantly and intensified.
Penne (Pescara), the Carabinieri arrest a non-EU citizen found in possession of two kilos of cocaine
The operations of the Carabinieri military continue constantly and intensified, at the provincial level, to the fight against and repression of illicit activities, with particular regard to the trade in narcotic substances.
In the late evening, the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Carabinieri Company of Penne (PE), within the scope of the aforementioned extraordinary services, arranged in compliance with the provisions of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Pescara, arrested, in flagrante delicto for the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing, a non-EU citizen of Moroccan origin, class 76, resident in Spain, awaiting employment and without a fixed abode in Italy.
On that occasion, the Carabinieri had acquired information regarding a suspicious car that was moving near the Alanno (PE) railway station. A targeted observation service allowed us to notice the coming and going of people who were not supposed to take the train.
A man was also seen, the aforementioned non-EU citizen, who, after getting out of a car, an Opel Astra station wagon that he had parked in the square, was moving cautiously, continually stopping and looking around, as if he was waiting for someone.
At this point, the officers deemed it appropriate to investigate the situation further and decided to stop the individual who, at the time of the check, appeared very nervous and agitated, answered questions evasively, did not justify his presence on the spot or how he had arrived and, thinking that he had not been seen, had thrown a bunch of keys into the surrounding meadow.
A personal search was therefore carried out and subsequently also the vehicle in which he had been seen arriving.
The judicial police activity carried out had a positive outcome in the sense that three heat-sealed cellophane packages containing a narcotic substance of the cocaine type for a total weight of 2 kilograms were found, cleverly hidden inside the vehicle, hidden under the seat, inside a shopping bag.
For these reasons and on the basis of the investigative elements acquired, the man was taken to the offices of the Penne Company where he was declared under arrest. The narcotic substance was seized together with the car, which subsequent checks revealed to be the proceeds of a theft committed yesterday in Pescara.
The same, at the end of the formal procedures, was transferred to the Pescara District Prison where he will remain at the disposal of the Judicial Authority pending the holding of the validation hearing.
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