Montesilvano: Man arrested with hashish hidden in vehicle thanks to drug-sniffing dog's nose.
A 38-year-old from Pescara arrested for drug dealing after a check by the Carabinieri and the intervention of the dog Gipsy, who found 100 grams of hashish.
Montesilvano: Man arrested with hashish hidden in vehicle thanks to drug-sniffing dog's nose.
The military operations continue constantly and intensifiedArms of the Carabinieri in the Adriatic city aimed at fighting and repressing illegal activities.
During the week, the military carried out the following operations: Carabinieri Company of Montesilvano, in collaboration with the anti-drug canine unit of the Chieti Dog Unit, targeted judicial police activities with particular attention paid to combating the sale of narcotic substances illegally introduced into the territory.
The services, carried out in the competent jurisdiction, allowed the military of the NOR of the local Company, on the day of 17th December, to arrest, for the crime of possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of trafficking, 38 years old resident in Pescara and burdened by specific criminal records.
In this circumstance, the military, during specific services aimed at repressing and combating the trade in narcotic substances, carried out in collaboration with a canine unit of the Chieti Dog Unit, they combed through some areas of the city, checking vehicles and people circulating along the main roads.
It is precisely in this context that it was a truck driven by man, to attract the dog's attention Gipsy who, insistently, "pointed" and signaled to his military handler the front right part of the vehicle. Considering the dog's attitude, the Carabinieri decided to deepen the control by carrying out a vehicle search in search of narcotic substances.
Actually the nose of Gipsy It proved to be absolutely effective and decisive since, cleverly hidden in the dashboard on the right side, they were discovered two blocks of hashish weighing approximately 100 grams in total.
For these reasons the man was taken to the offices of the Montesilvano Company Command where, at the end of the formal procedures, he was declared under arrest for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and was then transferred to his home under house arrest pending the summary trial which will be held today.
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