Spoltore: Barricades himself in his house and threatens to blow up an apartment, arrested

This weekend, a man born in 93 was arrested because he threatened to blow up the house he was renting, causing panic among residents and neighbors. The timely intervention of the Carabinieri averted a possible tragedy.

Spoltore: Barricades himself in his house and threatens to blow up an apartment, arrested

In this weekend, a timely intervention by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Pescara Company averted a possible tragedy in an apartment in via Collevento, in Spoltore. On this occasion, a man born in 93, was arrested because he had threatened to blow up the house he was renting.

According to an initial reconstruction carried out the 32 year old, in possession of a copy of the keys to the apartment, had entered the property and barricaded himself inside the rooms without any valid or apparent reason but presumably only to regain possession of it.

In this circumstance the situation had rapidly degenerated since At first the subject had declared that he would never come out again and later that he would blow it up rather than rent it out again, spreading panic among the residents and neighbors.

Spoltore: si barrica in casa e minaccia di far esplodere un appartamento, arrestato

At this point the alarm was immediately raised and procedures were activated to secure the entire area. Has been Fire Brigade intervention required of the Provincial Command of Pescara who initially interrupted the gas supply to avoid a detonation and subsequently forced the entrance door of the apartment, to allow the intervention of the operators.

The perpetrator of the act was stopped, without any harm to people, despite the resistance offered by the same person who strenuously tried to hit the personnel who intervened with kicks and punches. The arrested person was then transferred by order of the Judicial Authority to the Pescara District Prison, while the apartment was returned to its legitimate user.

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