Città Sant'Angelo, abused family. Emergency removal and prohibition from approaching the parent

In addition to the restrictive measure, the couple is now facing criminal proceedings for the crime of mistreatment in the family.

Città Sant'Angelo (Pescara), abused family. Emergency removal and prohibition from approaching the parent

The Carabinieri of the Città Sant'Angelo Station (PE) have reported and executed the emergency decree of the Public Prosecutor which orders the removal from the family home with a ban on approaching the injured party, regarding a 59-year-old of Cameroonian origin, with a police record, investigated for the crime of mistreatment in the family.

The measure arises from the immediate investigations started by the Carabinieri Station Command of Città Sant'Angelo (PE) following a complaint/report from the partner, 52 years old resident in that center, after a year of abuse and harassment, yet another argument she saw with her minor children and one of them running away from the family home in his pyjamas, she decided to turn to the authorities, desperate for the situation she found herself in.

Città Sant'Angelo, famiglia maltrattata. Allontanamento d'urgenza e divieto di avvicinamento per il genitore

The findings that emerged left no room for doubt as to the seriousness of the spouse's responsibilities and induced the Public Prosecutor in charge of the proceedings to issue a reasoned decree ordering the removal from the family home with a ban on approaching the injured parties.

The emergency measure was carried out by the military on Epiphany Day. In addition to the restrictive measure, the couple is now facing criminal proceedings for the crime of mistreatment in the family.

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